Ben Lugosch Retired Classics Professor

Dr. Lugosch taught all areas of classical studies at the undergraduate and graduate level, and published scholarly articles on Sophocles, Plato, Aristotle, and Homer. Recently retired, Dr. Lugosch still leads small private tours to Italy, Greece, Turkey and France that explore artifacts of classical antiquity.
These lectures help support his money-losing hobby farm in Kentucky where he raises organic pigs, grass fed beef, pastured chickens, Californian rabbits, and all manner of vegetables.
Ben Lugosch has been releasing courses and seminars on Udemy, having 9 courses with a total so far of 6,816 students and more than 709 reviewson all courses.
Below you can find his courses (click to visit the course):

“ Yes. I’m speechless. It’s very difficult to get a concise and yet at the same time an elaborate history of Ancient Greece as this.”
“ Loving someone who loves teaching about Ancient Greece History. Helps me wanna learn even more about it.”
“ Thank you for your lectures. Have a great day.”

Note: Some of these courses might be free. But if you decide to purchase anything (using the links below) you’ll be financially supporting this publication. Thanks for your support.

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About the reviewer

CourseProbe is an active reviewer, and a trainer on the topic of educational thinking and visual learning facilitation…
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